Read all the way through step 6, and note that there is a file that needs to be turned in to Sakai before Wednesday at noon!
In this class, we will be working primarily with R, a free and open-source software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The point of this lab is primarily to ensure that you are set up with Posit Cloud, and to help find out if there are any very fundamental R difficulties that we need to work out before we get much further in the class.
If you have had significant prior R experience, basically all of what you will actually do during this lab will be review; if that is not the case for you, don’t worry: all of the various details are things you will see again in the course of the term. If there comes a point in the lab where you are unsure of how to proceed, please get in touch with me ASAP so I can get you un-stuck. 😀
What is R?
)What is RStudio?
What is Posit Cloud?
Until very recently, Posit Cloud was called “RStudio Cloud”; the screenshots below have the old name, but other than the logo the UI is basically identical.
Our end goal is to get you looking at a screen like this:
Along the way, you will get familiar with the tools and programming environment that we will be using this term, in preparation for our lab on Wednesday.
Go to and sign up for an account.
Once you’re signed in, you should be looking at something like this:
At this point, you are ready to join the class workspace, which is where you will find all of the labs for this term, and in which you will do all of the assignments. To join the workspace, look on Sakai for the sharing link. When you click the link, you should be prompted to join the class workspace:
Click the “Projects”
tab at the top to see the various labs and assignments (right now, there
should just be one):
You can create your own projects from scratch in the class workspace, or you can start with one of the template projects. For labs and some assignments, I will have put together templates for you to start from. When you click “start” next to a template project, RStudio Cloud makes you a personal copy of that project, and then all of your changes and work are specific to your copy.
Begin by clicking the “Start” button next to the first project (“Lab 0”). After a few moments, your screen should look something like this:
and type
x <- 2 + 2
, hit enter or return, then type
, and hit enter/return again.[1] 4
prints to the screen, you’re all set!There’s a lot going on, here. If you’re familiar with the desktop version of RStudio, this should look very familiar; if not, don’t worry! You’ll find your way around very quickly.
Also, note that on the left-hand side of the screen there is a set of links labeled “Learn”. RStudio has done a great job of providing tutorials and documentation about how to use their tools, and I encourage you to take a look at the various resources under that tab to familiarize yourself with the RStudio environment.
One of the best things about R is its rich ecosystem of add-on packages and tools. “Out of the box”, R comes with good but basic statistical computing and graphics powers. For analytical and graphical super-powers, you’ll need to install add-on packages, which are user-written, to extend/expand your R capabilities. Packages can live in one of two places:
install.packages("name_of_package", dependencies = TRUE)
install_github("name_of_package") # replace with the actual name of the package
Side note: for this lab, you will not need to install any packages from Github- this is just for future reference.
One nice thing about using RStudio Cloud is that a workspace project
(like the one you’ve just opened up) can come pre-loaded with the
necessary libraries, which is a real time-saver in a classroom
environment. For example, the project you’re using right now already has
the devtools
package installed. But for the next part of
the lab, you’ll need to install one additional package.
Place your cursor in the console again (where you last typed
and [4]
printed on the screen). You can use
the first method that we described above
) to install the babynames
package from CRAN:
Mind your use of quotes carefully with packages.
, leaving the name of
the package bare. You only need to do this once per RStudio
To cite ggplot2 in publications, please use
H. Wickham. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis.
Springer-Verlag New York, 2016.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
author = {Hadley Wickham},
title = {ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York},
year = {2016},
isbn = {978-3-319-24277-4},
url = {},
Heads up: R is case-sensitive, so
works but ?Dplyr
will not. Likewise, a
variable called A
is different from a
We can do everything we need to directly from the console, but it is
often a lot easier to work in a more traditional editing environment.
Open a new R script in RStudio by going to
File --> New File --> R Script
. For this first foray
into R, I’ll give you the code, so sit back and relax and feel free to
copy and paste my code with some small tweaks. Don’t worry if you’re not
familiar with the commands and functions that we are using; as the
course goes on, you will learn more about all of these.
First load the packages:
library(babynames) # contains the actual data
library(dplyr) # for manipulating data
library(ggplot2) # for plotting data
In an RStudio editor window, you run code by either clicking the button marked “Run”, or (more frequently) by using the “run line/selection” keyboard shortcut. On a Mac, this is “command+enter”, on Windows or Linux it’s “control+enter”. If no text is selected, this will run the current line; if you’ve selected more than one line, your entire selection will be run. Depending on how your screen is laid out, you may see your selection (or line) be copied automatically down into the Console tab.
Begin by executing the three library()
Next, we’ll follow best practices for inspecting a freshly read dataset. Also, see “What I do when I get a new data set as told through tweets” for more ideas about exploring a new dataset. Here are some critical commands to obtain a high-level overview (HLO) of your freshly read dataset in R. We’ll call it saying hello to your dataset:
glimpse(babynames) # dplyr
Rows: 1,924,665
Columns: 5
$ year <dbl> 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880,…
$ sex <chr> "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", …
$ name <chr> "Mary", "Anna", "Emma", "Elizabeth", "Minnie", "Margaret", "Ida",…
$ n <int> 7065, 2604, 2003, 1939, 1746, 1578, 1472, 1414, 1320, 1288, 1258,…
$ prop <dbl> 0.07238359, 0.02667896, 0.02052149, 0.01986579, 0.01788843, 0.016…
head(babynames) # base R
# A tibble: 6 × 5
year sex name n prop
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl>
1 1880 F Mary 7065 0.0724
2 1880 F Anna 2604 0.0267
3 1880 F Emma 2003 0.0205
4 1880 F Elizabeth 1939 0.0199
5 1880 F Minnie 1746 0.0179
6 1880 F Margaret 1578 0.0162
tail(babynames) # same
# A tibble: 6 × 5
year sex name n prop
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl>
1 2017 M Zyhier 5 0.00000255
2 2017 M Zykai 5 0.00000255
3 2017 M Zykeem 5 0.00000255
4 2017 M Zylin 5 0.00000255
5 2017 M Zylis 5 0.00000255
6 2017 M Zyrie 5 0.00000255
names(babynames) # same
[1] "year" "sex" "name" "n" "prop"
Here are some of the kinds of questions we might want to be asking about our dataset at this point:
, etc.) in any of
the columns? Is that what we were expecting?Side note: not all of these questions are relevant for all
datasets; for example, the babynames
dataset does not have
any times… but it does have years, so you might want to check and see
what the range of that variable is. Does it make sense?
If you have done the above and produced sane-looking output, you are
ready for the next bit. Use the code below to create a new data frame
called steve
steve <- babynames %>%
filter(name == "Steven" | name == "Steve" | name == "Stephen") %>%
filter(sex == "M")
The first line makes a new dataset called steve
whose “life” begins with a copy of the babynames
the %>%
tells you we are doing some other stuff to it
The second line filters
our babynames
to only keep rows where the name
is either “Steven”,
“Steve”, or “Stephen” (read |
as “or”.)
The third bit applies another filter
to keep only
those where sex is male (the Social Security Administration’s database
is still very 20th-century).
When you ran that command, you may have noticed a new entry appear on the right-hand side of the screen, in the “environment” tab. This tab lists all of the variables that your current environment has loaded.
Let’s check out the data.
# A tibble: 414 × 5
year sex name n prop
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl>
1 1880 M Stephen 176 0.00149
2 1880 M Steve 52 0.000439
3 1880 M Steven 17 0.000144
4 1881 M Stephen 147 0.00136
5 1881 M Steve 44 0.000406
6 1881 M Steven 15 0.000139
7 1882 M Stephen 201 0.00165
8 1882 M Steve 63 0.000516
9 1882 M Steven 22 0.000180
10 1883 M Stephen 140 0.00124
# ℹ 404 more rows
Rows: 414
Columns: 5
$ year <dbl> 1880, 1880, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883,…
$ sex <chr> "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", …
$ name <chr> "Stephen", "Steve", "Steven", "Stephen", "Steve", "Steven", "Step…
$ n <int> 176, 52, 17, 147, 44, 15, 201, 63, 22, 140, 62, 13, 165, 66, 20, …
$ prop <dbl> 0.00148649, 0.00043919, 0.00014358, 0.00135757, 0.00040635, 0.000…
You should see that the structure of the steve
looks just like that of the babynames
dataframe, but with
many fewer rows.
Again, if you have sane-looking output here, move along to plotting the data!
name.plot <- ggplot(steve, aes(x = year,
y = prop,
group = name,
color = name)) +
Now, if you are following along precisely, you will not see your
plot! This is because we saved the result of ggplot
with a
name (name.plot
) But check out the top right pane in
RStudio again: under Data
you should see
— so it is there, you just have to ask
for it. Here’s how:
Now, edit my code above to create a new dataset (don’t worry if
you’re not sure about what every single bit of the code is doing, just
dive in and go for it). Pick a handful of names to compare how popular
they each are (these could be different spellings of your own name, like
I did, but you can choose any pair (or trio, etc.) of names that are
present in the dataset). Make the new plot, changing the name of the
first argument – steve
– in ggplot()
to the
name of your new dataset.
projectsFor inspiration: