1 Overview

Both challenges are due by the end of the day via Sakai on Thursday April 28. For the first challenge, focused on data-tidying, you’ll want to refer back to our slides. For the second challenge, you’ll want to refer to the reference lab.

2 Data-Tidying

Tidy the data/gapminder_broadband_per_100.xlsx file (Tip: use the readxl package’s read_excel() function to import from Excel, and use janitor::clean_names() immediately after import to make life easier)

3 Gapminder Exercise

Install and load the gapminder data package (already installed on RStudio Cloud).


Pick at least two of the tasks below from the task menu and approach each with both a table and a figure.

Make observations about what your tables/figures show and about the process. If you want to do something comparable but different, i.e. swap one quantitative variable for another- go for it!

You do not have to use tidyr or otherwise worry about reshaping your tables. Many of your tables may not be formatted perfectly in the report. Simply printing dplyr tabular output is fine. For all things, graphical and tabular, if you’re dissatisfied with a result, discuss the problem, what you tried to do to fix it, and move on.

3.1 Task menu

  • Get the maximum and minimum of GDP per capita for all continents.

  • Look at the spread of GDP per capita across countries within the continents.

  • How does life expectancy vary across different continents?

  • Report the absolute and/or relative abundance of countries with low life expectancy over time by continent: Compute some measure of worldwide life expectancy - you decide - a mean or median or some other quantile or perhaps your current age. Then determine how many countries on each continent have a life expectancy less than this benchmark, for each year.

  • Make up your own!

3.2 Companion graphs

For each table, make sure to include a relevant figure. One tip for starting is to draw out on paper what you want your x- and y-axis to be first and what your geom is; that is, start by drawing the plot you want ggplot to give you. Your figure does not have to depict every single number present in the table. Use your judgement. It just needs to complement the table, add context, and allow for some sanity checking.

Notice which figures are easy/hard to make, and whether the visualization adds clarity, detracts from, or is completely redundant (and therefore probably unnecessary) with respect to the tabular display.

4 Report your process

You’re encouraged to reflect on what was hard/easy, problems you solved, helpful tutorials you read, etc.

Gapminder EDA ideas from Jenny Bryan, author and creator of the Gapminder package.

Creative Commons License